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« Life's Lessons Vol. 6 | Main | I'm coming back... »

February 17, 2006


Jeff (aka Nathanial Hale 1775)

Just realized that you started posting again. I like them alot, particularly the post on manliness. Keep up the good posts:)

Amanda (A.K.A. Aurelia)

Wonderful post, Jason! I especially enjoyed your dissection of the latin for explaining the real meaning of that phrase. and as I've recently discovered ... quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur [whatever is written in latin seems better]. ^_^

Jason Roberts


Thanks! I'm actually hard at work right now on the blog. I'm about to move it to a new, powerful format. So keep your eyes out :).

james r

great in theory if my headmaster were telling me to 'carpe diem' and make the most of the oppurtunities given to me at school he would be wrong or is he still justified? ??

10 best tucson

The matter is that we must produce as much as we can today. To pluck the day really means to harvest as much from the day as we can. and it is really good to pluck the day if you go deep into the meaning of it.

Jason Roberts


Thank you for your kinds words :).

Jason Roberts


He would still be justified. To pluck has more of a connotation of "working to achieve that which you desire". View your opportunities in school as if they were a field-go out and pluck the field, laboring through the intensity and the sweat in order to reap the rewards of your labor.

Jason Roberts

10 Best Tuscon,

I fully agree!

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